Joi Friday. She’s probably one of my most disliked characters I’ve written about to date. She’s an undeniable bad guy with a backstory that helps make sense of the person she becomes when readers first meet her in Forbidden: An Anthology.
She hints at it at the start of her story “Decadent Contradictions.” But because the story was a short story, we really didn’t have the time to get too deep into it. Loveless allows us to peel back Joi’s layers and to sort through the complexities that molds her character.
Joi Friday. If you read Forbidden: An Anthology, then you’re familiar with her name and her short story in the anthology – “Decadent Contradictions.” In her original short story, Joi was the bad guy… well, maybe not at the very beginning. But a lot of readers decided within seconds of reading her short story that she wasn’t the most liked character in the anthology. Her story in Loveless will change your perspective on Joi, someone you probably deemed as being morally corrupt. Loveless will also reintroduce you to a few familiar names from my other series, No Fraternizing.
The storyboard for LUST. This book was fun to work on. I enjoyed developing the characters and their journey back to love. LUST is a second chance love story between high school sweethearts, but this one is with a twist.
To say it’s been a struggle to get in front of my computer these past few months would be an understatement. There’s been a lot going on, but I have been pushing myself to get these books out to you. I have three books currently in editing and the first of the batch is ready to go. One of which is LUST, book two in the Love Is Cure Series. You have been hearing about Pryce Williams since Last Comes Love and he made his first appearance in my previous release, Meant To Be. Now you will meet the man himself and boy does he have some redeeming to do. Check out the cover and the synopsis below.
In just five days, my next release Meant To Be will be available for download! This novella is a friends-to-lovers meets love after loss story that will warm your heart and alter your perspective on a few things. This isn’t one of my stories with twists and turns but it will keep you engaged and rooting for August and Genesis all the same.
Since the story has not been published yet, it is still subject to edits…
We’re getting closer to release day! I’ve gone through so many different phases of anticipation with this book. Falling in love, being frustrated, falling in love a second time, worrying over the little things, then falling in love with the story yet again. The editing process was a trip this time around because I’m dealing with an area in romance that’s a bit foreign to me. Love after loss isn’t a focus in romance I’ve ever done. I’ll be doing it again when I work on Rylee Daniels’s story (Last Comes Love). But this story, THIS story? Is truly one of the stories I really love with my whole heart. Here’s a teaser, clipped from one of my favorite scenes in Meant To Be…
So you’ve met August Hall, right? If you’ve yet to meet him, you should! Now, though, it’s Genesis’s turn. As I mentioned, we didn’t get much of a chance to learn a lot about Genesis and August in “Karma Coated” from Forbidden: An Anthology. It was a quick story, so I designed a story that gave you just enough to move the sequence of events along. With their continued story in Meant To Be, we get to know these two in a more intimate way and fall in love with unique aspects of their characters… I know I did.
Genesis is many things, but at the top of the list…
If you read Forbidden: An Anthology, you’ll remember being introduced to August Hall through the second story in the anthology, “Karma Coated.” This story was the more emotional read out of the five and followed friends Genesis and August who both lost their spouses and their best friends – August was friends with Genesis’s husband and Genesis was friends with August’s wife. As the story unfolded, we learned of the shocking discovery August and Genesis happened upon when they learned of the death of their spouses and… well, if you read it you know and if you haven’t, you must!
August in the brief span of the story embodied a lot of loveable characteristics and I bring those characteristics even more to life in the continued story of “Karma Coated,” Meant To Be. So, who is August Hall? Well, for one…
August & Genesis’s story is on the way! Scheduled for release next month, April 24th, Meant To Be will pick up where their short story “Karma Coated” (Forbidden: An Anthology) left off.
These two are doing their best to make sense of their relationship after their night together in Forbidden, and the journey is an emotional yet steamy page turner. Here’s a teaser from one of the scenes in the book. In the coming weeks, you’ll see more posts on this book. There’s so much to cover 😉.
With PRIDE scheduled for release this Friday, March 20th, I’m sharing the final teaser for this book. If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m really excited for this release. I can’t wait for you to meet Summer & Jayce.
The final Sample Sunday for PRIDE! This one is snipped from a scene five chapters into the book. As the days fall off the calendar and I prepare to release my first book of the year, I’m grateful to have seen my vision for a play on the seven deadly sins finally come to life. I’m excited for this release! So, without further ado…
Next week! That’s when my next book is set for release, my first book of the year, my first book of the decade! PRIDE is also the first book from my new series, Love Is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues. I’m excited for you to see what I’ve been working on since last year. Here’s a teaser…
Can I drop another pre-order on the blog? In 2018, I spent a lot of time outlining and making plans for my books. In 2019, I spent even more time writing the books I outlined the year before. Now in 2020, I’ve got those books ready for you to read! Meant To Be is book 3 of The Forbidden series – a series of continued stories that first appeared in my Forbidden Anthology. Meant To Be follows Genesis and August after testing the bonds of their friendship and surviving their heartbreaking losses.
My first release for 2020, PRIDE, is available now for pre-order. PRIDE serves as the first book in my new series, Love Is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues. All of the books in this series are standalones and can be read in whatever order you want. But if you’re reading them in the order they are released that’s fine too, even better actually! All of the stories are linked in some way with characters from my Forbidden series making an appearance in this series too.
This volume of Love Is Cure is a play on the seven deadly sins, with a twist. I play matchmaker with the vices and their opposites, virtues, and help them fall in love and other ish. And what results is a dope ass read! Check out the synopsis below and click the link to reserve your copy.
When I first announced my plans to work on a seven book series last summer, the task seemed like something I would first love and then eventually hate. The workload, the research, everything just seemed like work before I actually started. But once I completed the outlines for all of the stories, did more research, and wrote the first chapter of this book, I was ecstatic! With three books completed in the series and a fourth in progress, I can say that I LOVE this series with my whole heart. And to start everything off, is Book One from the Love Is Cure series, PRIDE!
It’s a new year! And with that comes new books from yours truly. 2019 was a very experimental year for your girl and that shit was scary. 2020 won’t be much different lol. But there will be a whole lot of love and even more complex characters. You ready?
Here’s the trailer for one of the series I’ll be releasing books for in 2020.
I’ll also have news on the two books that are dropping this year, God willing, from my Forbidden series. Y’all, I love ALL of the stories I’ve penned for you this year. Can’t wait for you to read them.
The first book from the Love Is Cure series, PRIDE, is due out this spring. Read a little more about it HERE!
Last week (or so), I posted the trailer for Ebb & Flow and forgot to do the same here! Please blame it on the holidays and all the running around I’ve been doing for family and business.
So, one of the things I do to prepare my books for release, is listen to them. I often read the whole book outloud, but I like to hear it. I use Microsoft Word’s read aloud feature to give the book a bit of an audible type feel. I’ve been listening to Ebb & Flow these past few days and each time I press play, I fall more and more in love with this story. Naazir and Nubia’s story isn’t like many others, but that’s the case for a good few of my books. This scene here, the one this teaser was plucked from, is a dope one. It’s from a conversation that sets the tone for the book and gives insight on their relationship from Nubia’s point of view.
My next and final release of the year, Ebb & Flow is due for release in three weeks so I thought it would be a good time to serve a sample. Check out a snippet from the novella below.
*This project is still unpublished so text is subject to change between now and release day…
We are finally in the month of December. Later this month, I’ll be dropping my final release of the year, Ebb & Flow. I’m so excited for you to read Naazir and Nubia’s story. It’s a raw romance that takes you through many phases of their love, especially when there are outside forces at work. Love wins at the end but the journey does ebb and flow like ocean waves.
Here’s a teaser, a quote snipped from a very pivotal scene in Ebb & Flow…
My next and final release for 2019, Ebb & Flow, is now available for pre-order on Amazon! It’s been a pleasure continuing a story that started out as a subscriber-only short. This is a love story, a love story with real mountains to move and that I’m proud to call my book baby. Writing this story after Last Comes Love was a battle, but I wouldn’t have arranged the order of the book releases in any other way. There are some rough waters to get through in Ebb & Flow but the love in these pages is well worth the reading journey. Check out the synopsis below…
Can you believe the year is almost over? The decade for that matter? It’s crazy how much time flies. This year for me has been a series of ups and downs, but I’m so, so excited about what’s to come! My final release of the year, Ebb & Flow, will drop next month. No release date has been set, but here’s a teaser!
This story! If you are a BK Insider, you’ve already met the characters. Naazir and Nubia first appeared in my exclusive BK Insider short story, An Unexpected Love. They were a new couple, one who met out on the streets of Brooklyn, NY. The attraction was instant, although our girl Nubia tried to fight the fact that she was attracted to someone who was her total opposite. But they put their opposites aside to find the one similarity that becomes the foundation of their bond, love.
A new series from yours truly is on the way and I’m so, SO excited for you to meet these characters. Fourteen of them to be exact! Each story is a journey and a look at what happens when vices meet virtues and sins are cured with love… in Love Is Cure at least. And we’re kicking the series off with PRIDE!
On the heels of a recent release (Last Comes Love) – well, a few days before the book came out actually – I started work on a new book! It’s called Loveless, and it’s book four from my Forbidden series. If you aren’t familiar with the series, it’s a series of continuations from my Forbidden Anthology. So far, I have released the first continuation, Indecent Arrangement (that picks up where the first story in the anthology, Tasteful Taboo, leaves off), I’ve completed the continuation for Karma Coated titled Meant To Be, and I’m now working on the continuation of Decadent Contradictions titled Loveless.
We are just 3-days away from my next book release! I’m still doing the read-through if you can believe it. I usually like to read the book a couple of times to ensure everything flows right so I’m on my last round.
In just 5-days, my 20th release will be available for download! I’m so excited for you to read this story. The feedback from my beta-readers has been so humbling and confirmed all the feelings I had while writing this story. The chances of you forgetting Rylee and Lennox after reading their story is pretty slim based on the reactions. I love giving sneak peeks of the stories I plan to release so here’s the full prologue from Last Comes Love. The prologue is a flashback and sets the foundation for the story…
First, this is my 100th blog post, y’all! When I started this blog a few years ago, it was just a space to drop my new book announcements. Now it has become so much more to me. It’s my little home on the web, the one place I can be my most transparent. What better way to celebrate this blog milestone than to talk about the new?!
The Bronx Ballers is a team you’ll be hearing a lot about in my next few books so I thought it was a good time to finally introduce you to them. The first place they are mentioned is in my upcoming release, Last Comes Love. One of the characters, Lennox Walker, used to play for the team before he took an early retirement and his exit was a major deal and for good reason.
The Bronx Ballers will appear more prominently in the second book of my Love Is Cure series, LUST (click link to read more about that). I can’t wait for you to read that story. Anyway, here’s the Ballers’ backstory…
October 4th you’ll meet two characters who will stay on the brain long after you’ve gotten to the end of their story. I adore writing friends-to-lovers stories. I love them, writing and reading them! I feel these types of stories are so genuine in nature with the right amount of passion and angst. I always do my best to make all of my characters unique in each book. They may have similarities in some areas but all-and-all they are themselves. Rylee and Lennox’s friendship is just as unique and I’m excited to introduce you to them.
Here’s another sample from my upcoming book release, Last Comes Love. I have a “What to Expect” post coming soon that is hella detailed. For now, check out this sneak peek…
*This manuscript is still in the editing stage so text is subject to change.
With my next few book releases, I’m diving deeper into the
waters of my creativity. This summer, I spent a lot of time working on my
craft, studying world building and fictional universes of all things. Honestly,
I thought that world building was limited to fantasy genres. You know, Harry
Potter type ish. But it turns out, world building can happen in any genre and I’ve
fallen head over heels in love with it.
Truthfully, I’ve done world building but at a small scale before this summer. In a lot of my stories, I’d throw in a fictional setting to keep the story rolling during the drafting process and keep the setting while editing if it works well with the plot. Often I used real establishments to authenticate a story but now, I’ll do less of that and will construct a fictional world sort to say, starting with Last Comes Love.
Last Comes Love will be the first of many. It will be
my first real contemporary romance novel that narrates the story through two
different perspectives. Last Comes Love and the story after it will be
the only stories (that I know of so far) told from a third person perspective
since the format called for it. These books will act like a link for the books
that proceed it. So far, most of the names mentioned in Last Comes Love
will show up in my Love is Cure series along with stories in my Forbidden
series. As I mentioned in a previous post, the Love is Cure series and Forbidden
series will connect at some point. For instance, with Joi’s story from the Forbidden
series, her friend will appear in the GREED story from my Love is
Cure series. It will all make sense once complete.
Anyway, back to this world building…
While working on Last Comes Love, Forbidden, and Love is Cure, I created a few settings in detail that will appear in a few books moving forward including a fictional basketball team (two actually!) along with a magazine, a university, a restaurant, and bar & lounge. It’s been a lot of fun breathing life into these fictional settings and because I’m me, I went ahead and created logos and a mag cover for a few of them.
And here it is, the cover reveal for my next book release, Last Comes Love. This novel is one of my new favorites. It takes a common trope, friends-turned-lovers and adds a bit of a spin to it. I’m excited for you to meet Rylee and Lennox. Their friendship is truly one for the books. I’ll have the full prologue for you soon. Stay tuned for the book visuals and teasers which will be coming next! Keep scrolling for the synopsis…
My next release is coming this fall in October! The month of October is super special to me because it is my (and my son’s) birthday month, and now it’s Last Comes Love’s book birthday month too!
October 4, 2008… Rylee Daniels’s 21st birthday dinner. The birthday dinner that changed everything and in an unexpected way. A seed sprouted that night – a seed that was planted and later blossomed into something pure and bittersweet.
Coming this Fall! The release date for my next release will be announced later this month. I’m so excited for you to read this story. It’s a bittersweet friends to lovers story that you’ll remember long after you’ve closed the book. Here’s a sample from one of the chapters. Enjoy!
*This story is still unpublished, so the text below is subject to change.
I have wanted to do a series for the longest but I couldn’t come up with a theme. When the idea to work my version of the seven deadly sins hit and I let it marinate so that it became an idea I could be excited about, I ran with it. Like I explained in a previous post, the first book from the Love is Cure Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series, PRIDE, is complete and it is soooo good, but listen I’m bias lol. I love all of my books once I’m done with the first draft. The first time I pore over the first draft and self-edit it, now that’s a whole different story. But the love returns after it has gone through a few rounds of editing.