FAQ: What Book From Your Catalog Do You Recommend I Start With If I’m New To Your Work?

This year I celebrated 8-years of self-publishing. And eight years later, I still feel I could do a better job recommending books to readers who are new to my work.

My book world is diverse. Most of my books aren’t like the ones before it in my catalog. And while there may be similarities in my stories, if you are looking to read a book exactly like a book you’ve already read in my catalog, it won’t be an easy find unless it’s in a series or shares a similar trope.

That’s because my vision for my catalog is to create a book world like the melting pot I call home. Filled with a variety of characters with varying personalities, from different upbringings, and having experiences both good and bad that differ across the board. But regardless of how different they all may be to each other; the characters will all connect in some way. The unspoken idea in my storylines is based on the idea of six degrees of separation. Meaning, all my characters connect to each other by six or fewer other characters in my book world. 

Like life.  

While my first response whenever I get the question, “I’m new to your work. What book do you recommend I start with?” is for readers to read my books in the order I have released the stories, often that isn’t necessary.

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#CoverReveal: In Love, I Trust

I’m so excited about this! I say that all the time regarding new book announcements, but honestly? This year, I’ve worked on projects I sincerely loved working on and that made me want to sit in front of my computer to complete We started 2023 with book five in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues seriesGluttony, returned with an enemies-to-lovers story When Luke Met Juliette in the spring and then recently a vacation novel When Life Gives You Sunsets near the tail end of Summer, and in October, I’m scheduled to release my fourth and final book release of 2023. And it’s a collaboration with ShanicexLola!

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