My newest story When Luke Met Juliette is available now for download. Click the link below the cover and synopsis to get yours. Enjoy!

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My newest story When Luke Met Juliette is available now for download. Click the link below the cover and synopsis to get yours. Enjoy!
This Friday, April 7th, I’m releasing my 35th self-published title. The journey to 35 hasn’t been easy, but it has been a journey worth traveling twice.
I don’t celebrate enough and one of my goals this year is to celebrate everything!
To start, I’m offering 35% off signed paperbacks (except for the Love, Hate & Revenge series) on from now and until Saturday, April 8th.
To take part in the sale, use code THIRTYFIVE at checkout to get 35% off your favorite title by me.
My newest addition to my catalog, When Luke Met Juliette, drops this week, Friday, April 7th and I have a Sample Sunday for you.
If you’d like to learn about When Luke Met Juliette, click here to read 4 Quick Facts about this new novel.
*This work is still unpublished. Text is still subject to change.
Let me set the scene.
I was in my spring-cleaning mode this week and was clearing out the shelves in our home office, going through old dollar store crates I’ve had for close to a decade, and I found this, my very first completed manuscript I printed out in 2014 the same year I wrote the story.
It’s the first completed story (full-length and not a short), I’ve ever completed. A NaNoWriMo project. And though I’ve never published it, me finding it is a moment, it’s significant. Because not only is it my very first book, but I’m finding it close to a week before I release my 35th self-published story.
If you remember, I counted this time. We’re at a milestone!
But back to this manuscript.