Mr & Mrs Jones Chapter 8: “What’s The Most Expensive Bottle Of Champagne?”

To know me is to know that one of my favorite stories, if not the favorite, is Girl Code. Right behind it is the sequel, Mr. & Mrs. Jones. I knew I’d be writing this sequel the moment I typed “The End” on Girl Code. I just really loved Melodee and Amir—both as individual characters and as a couple. There were so many moments I couldn’t wait to write in Mr. & Mrs. Jones, and this scene in Chapter Eight was at the top of the list.

In Girl Code, one of the major turning points was Melodee’s divorce. It was a deeply painful experience that left her confused. The aftermath—like her ex-husband expecting a baby before the ink on their divorce papers dried—was enough to send anyone into a depressive spiral. But, fate brought her and Amir back together just when she needed an escape the most, distracting her from her new reality as a divorcee. In this sequel, payback comes in the classiest way possible, making this chapter one you won’t forget.

The Setting

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