Let’s get to know the characters in Wrath individually.

Lauryn may be one of a kind to me in terms of heroines I have written about in my stories. There’s a delicate side she has an affinity to strengthen a relationship with, but she’s convinced herself that she will never attain such a thing. Even at the start of Wrath, she’s taking initiative in her own way to get acquainted with the soft side of her rough life, but circumstances have caused Lauryn to believe she has to always wear a hardened shell.

She’s a reader, but she doesn’t read to escape. Lauryn reads to understand and to experience less anxiety. She believes the source for understanding the world she is in lies in the pages of self-help books and books on philosophy, so she reads excessively searching for answers about life and the world she’s supposed to call home.
My readers will have no issues connecting with Lauryn, I feel. Though she rocks invisible armor around herself and around everyone else, including the closest person to her, her aunt, with readers, she will be her most vulnerable and transparent self. Over time, of course, her outlook on life and her attachment to being willingly protective of herself both emotionally and physically fade away.
Lauryn aspires to be in love, though she would never admit it. She exudes the very essence of every vice in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series. Positive intent in imbalanced cases influences negative actions. Their own positive intent fuels the negative actions of those who have vices. For Lauryn, she’s angry and can be violent toward others and herself (vice) but her actions are because she is trying to protect herself and ensure her safety (positive intent). Deep down, Lauryn is the sweetest character I’ve ever worked with, but rocks a rough shell as protection. I liken her to being like a pineapple. And I can’t wait for you to see what I mean for yourself.
Asher is a book bae my readers will always remember. He differs from the others in my catalog in a good way. Of course, he is handsome. Though good looks, in my opinion, are subjective, I matchmake my characters well, if I should say so myself. So yes, Asher is a man who is good on the eyes, however, he doesn’t tower over my heroine, like the heroes in my past stories, and Asher doesn’t have big hulking arms that is often a sign that my heroes are protectors.

Asher is surface level “average” and “average” doesn’t get the love it deserves in fiction too often when it can often serve a purpose. We need what many would deem as average in Wrath. Because the average matches well with a heroine like Lauryn who isn’t fond of men (read: the toxic aesthetics people assign to men) because of her past. Her guard is up, and Asher seems to be the only person who she’ll let it down for.
Asher has had a wonderful life. If you asked him what the hardest thing he’s ever had to deal with in his life, he would admit that whatever he’d answer with would be something incomparable to someone who’s lived a life of struggle. Because he’s never struggled. Has never experienced disappointment or hardship. Life has been what others would deem very good to Asher, but for him, that good did him more harm indirectly.
Growing up and until we meet Asher in Wrath, he believed he lived an unfulfilling life. His father is a real estate magnate. Asher grew up in a sprawling estate in the Hamptons. He has never had to want or need for the things that many people work hard to have and yet, to Asher, something has always been missing.
After willingly moving and living off the grid in another country for a year, Asher returns to the states and eventually meets Lauryn, and what these two create is a journey worth traveling multiple times over with them. I can’t wait for you to fall in love with him the way I have. His patience is a virtue and will be one of the most attractive things you’ll read about this year.
Wrath will be available May 3rd. Pre-order is available now via the link below.