I balanced the takeout bag in one hand while trying to slide my key into the front door’s lock.
The Thai restaurant I stopped by earlier was short on staff, so I couldn’t help but volunteer to assist them with their late afternoon and evening rush.
The restaurant’s owner, Anong, was so grateful for my help, and I was happy to give it.
There wasn’t a business in Rose Hill I didn’t help in. We were a town of small businesses. Our shop owners relied on the people of Rose Hill to keep things opened and running. Young and old, and of all races, we were a community, and that’s what I loved the very most about Rose Hill.
Which is what I always try to explain to Ryder.
As soon as I got the key in the lock and turned it, the door gave way and opened to the view of Rose Hill and the man who was just on my mind, Ryder, sitting on the couch, staring at the TV. A TV that was off.
I glanced at the TV, then back at Ryder. “Hey?”
He looked over at me and chucked his chin, refocusing on the blank screen.
“Okay.” I snickered to myself. “It’s that kind of Rose Hill return, yet again.”
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