Get to Know The Characters Of Sloth: Eryn & Simeon

So, obviously, you’ve already met Eryn and Simeon in the stories they appeared in (Gluttony & So This is Love, respectively) before their story in Sloth. But there is so much more to learn about these two characters—so much that wasn’t revealed during their cameos as side characters.

In the character profiles below, we’re going to dive into some of that untold story.

These two are so different, but their brand of different works. Their opposites fit like puzzle pieces, making them a couple you can’t help but be drawn to. Coming from two very different parts of New York and vastly different upbringings, it might seem like these two would never have met under any other circumstance. However, Eryn and Simeon give new meaning to the phrase “opposites attract,” making them the perfect couple to conclude the Love is Cure series.

Meet Eryn Peters

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An Intro to Sloth

And so it begins! Sloth is the last story in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series and has a release date of September 19th. This book will conclude my longest running series and I cannot wait for you to read it for many amazing reasons besides it being the last story. 

For one, we’re dealing with characters always meant to be (like all my other characters). However, decisions and circumstances that were too big for them to handle at the wrong time, changes the trajectory of their futures. 

But like life, their story worlds collide when they least expect it, leaving them to need each other in more ways than they first believed.

We met Eryn Peters and Simeon King in previous books in my catalog. First, we met Simeon in So This is Love (Book five in the Forbidden series) as the MMC Dallas’s agent and then we met Eryn in Gluttony (book five in the LIC series) as the younger sister to Everett – the MMC. In both stories, Eryn and Simeon mention each other and their relationship, stirring up curiosity about their romantic history.

Especially because neither one of them would just tell us what happened. 

That’s because there’s so much more to just telling us. To tell us what caused their breakup would make us want to know the complete story behind it, and that’s what we will get with Sloth

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Sloth is Available for Pre-Order

What a time! I am sincerely so excited to announce that the last standalone in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series is available now for pre-order. This has been a fun ride and I can’t believe it’s almost over. And what a way to conclude my longest running series. I wouldn’t want my last couple to be anyone else. 

Ready to meet them? 

Check out the synopsis and click the link to pre-order your copy today. 


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Wrath Will Be Available Tomorrow!

The wait is almost over! The sixth book in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series will be here tomorrow, 5/3 bringing us one step closer to a completed series. 

In this chapter of the series, you’ll meet Lauryn James and Asher Truesdale – two people who are opposites all the way around but find a common ground when they meet unexpectedly. Neither one of them had love on their minds, but when they meet, love becomes the only thing they can think about. Once that happens, things unfold fast. Faster than either of them is prepared for. But what seems like a mistake ends up being something meant to be. 

I love how different Asher and Lauryn are to each other. They’re from different worlds with completely different outlooks on life. Both of them are seeking relief from the lives they know all too well. And the refuge they find in each other will warm your heart the moment they lock eyes. 

It’ll be a journey!

Have you pre-ordered Wrath?

Wrath Will Be Available in 3 Days

Book six in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues seriesWrath – will soon be here and I’m so excited for you to meet the newest characters in this seven deadly sins inspired series. This story, as I’ve said often, is one like no other in my catalogue. The series of events that unfold will take you on a journey that will illustrate the transformative power of love. 

I’m most excited for you to meet Asher. Asher shines in this story and exudes the essence of why patience is a virtue. 

Have you pre-ordered your copy of Wrath?

Behind The Pen Preorder Form Is Live Now

Are you attending Behind The Pen in New York City next month?

If you want to preorder books before the event to ensure you get the books you want when you attend Behind The Pen in August, a preorder form is live now in my shop!

While preordering books are not required to attend the event – I’ll have books with me – when you preorder your books, you ensure your books are reserved when you arrive. So, all you must do is pick them up!

Preordered books will sit at my table the day of the event, so please only preorder books off this form if you plan to attend Behind The Pen. 

To preorder, click the link below. 


Gluttony is available now for pre-order

Book 5 in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series, Gluttony, is available now for pre-order.

Gluttony is fittingly the longest book in the series and is chock full of layers. I really love how dynamic and thematic this story is and I’m looking forward to sharing teasers and at least one sneak peek. Below is the synopsis and link to pre-order. 

Gluttony will be available on January 27, 2023.

I’ll have a “what to expect” post live in the coming weeks.

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Are You Attending Indie Love This Summer?

We are almost a month away from Indie Love – a book event scheduled to take place this summer in New Orleans. So many firsts for me with this. Indie Love will be my very first book event and I’ll be in NOLA for the very first time too. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I’m too ready to soak up all the good vibes and energy. I’m sure it’ll be a dope event.

To prepare, I’ve created a preorder page for attendees who are interested in reserving books before their visit. All preordered books will be with me, ready for pick up at my designated table.

Click the image or the link below to preorder paperback copies I plan to have with me at Indie Love.

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What to Expect – ENVY

And here we are again. Another What To Expect post for another book of mine, and I love it here! This is one of my favorite blog posts to create before the release of my books because I am forced to organize my thoughts and revisit my process pre-release.

Honestly, my author notes usually borrow from what I print here, but this time, I had so much to share that the author note in this next book release will be like a continuation of what I discuss here. And we’re talking about none other than ENVY.


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#ComingSoon: ENVY is available for pre-order

The fourth book in my Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series will be released January 21st and is available now for pre-order! This story is one of my favorites and follows the relative of one of my previously published characters – Amir Jones – but this Jones is not like the other.

I’ll have more in my “What to Expect” post. For now, here’s the synopsis:


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