Let’s try something a little different, shall we??
I wrote my first sex scene by accident. It was in college, sophomore year. My characters… they just wanted to do a little more than just kiss that night. So, I went with the flow, let them do their thing and what resulted was something hot! And it was love at first type.
In high school, when I wasn’t acting a fool with friends, I spent a lot of my time writing short stories in a black and white composition notebook. I didn’t consider them to be short stories. They didn’t follow the typical format of a short story but they weren’t diaries either. To me, I was writing what I saw in my mind.

The stories were always cutesy little boy meets girl type tales but the urban version with comedic vibes. I liked the quirky flawed girl storylines, a lot. The highlight for me were the kissing scenes with the guys who she would consider way out of her league. I used to write the hell out of a kissing scene! Around that time, I read a few books by romance authors but my genre of choice was suspense, thrillers.
Edgar Allen Poe’s shorts were my thing. When I wasn’t reading his stuff, I was sneaking peeks at Zane’s anthologies. I am in love with erotic fiction but I got a thing for suspense, it’s like my side boo… even till this day… especially in movies. I add a little suspense in my erotic fiction but it’s subtle and appears in the form of twists most of the time. In fact, in my subscriber only story I’m releasing in a few days (you can read about that drama surrounding that here if you care to), there’s some suspense weaved into the storyline.
About two years ago, I participated in a short story contest. Submitting my story created a domino effect for me, resulting in me challenging myself every month since then to write a short story off the top of my head. It’s a challenge because I’m all about planning out my stories and creating outlines before typing a single word.
For the contest, writers were asked to write a short story, under 900 words, using a prompt and the story had to be written fresh with little errors… in one day. I was so stressed that day and almost didn’t submit what I’d written. I’ve participated in this contest at least three times, always feeling like I should just give up midway.
But I did, submit, and that time I won, placing first under another pen name… and I’m posting that story here today.
They loved it… but can I keep your attention when there’s 0% intimacy involved? Let me know!
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