What Would A G-Rated Story, By Me, Read Like?

Let’s try something a little different, shall we??

I wrote my first sex scene by accident. It was in college, sophomore year. My characters… they just wanted to do a little more than just kiss that night. So, I went with the flow, let them do their thing and what resulted was something hot! And it was love at first type.

In high school, when I wasn’t acting a fool with friends, I spent a lot of my time writing short stories in a black and white composition notebook. I didn’t consider them to be short stories. They didn’t follow the typical format of a short story but they weren’t diaries either. To me, I was writing what I saw in my mind.

The stories were always cutesy little boy meets girl type tales but the urban version with comedic vibes. I liked the quirky flawed girl storylines, a lot.  The highlight for me were the kissing scenes with the guys who she would consider way out of her league. I used to write the hell out of a kissing scene! Around that time, I read a few books by romance authors but my genre of choice was suspense, thrillers.

Edgar Allen Poe’s shorts were my thing. When I wasn’t reading his stuff, I was sneaking peeks at Zane’s anthologies. I am in love with erotic fiction but I got a thing for suspense, it’s like my side boo… even till this day… especially in movies. I add a little suspense in my erotic fiction but it’s subtle and appears in the form of twists most of the time. In fact, in my subscriber only story I’m releasing in a few days (you can read about that drama surrounding that here if you care to), there’s some suspense weaved into the storyline.

About two years ago, I participated in a short story contest. Submitting my story created a domino effect for me, resulting in me challenging myself every month since then to write a short story off the top of my head. It’s a challenge because I’m all about planning out my stories and creating outlines before typing a single word.

For the contest, writers were asked to write a short story, under 900 words, using a prompt and the story had to be written fresh with little errors… in one day. I was so stressed that day and almost didn’t submit what I’d written. I’ve participated in this contest at least three times, always feeling like I should just give up midway.

But I did, submit, and that time I won, placing first under another pen name… and I’m posting that story here today.

They loved it… but can I keep your attention when there’s 0% intimacy involved? Let me know!


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Someone Accused Me Of Plagiarism…

Yesterday, I sent out an email to my BK Insiders List subscribers about an exclusive free short story I was sending their way. If you are familiar with my writing, you know that writing and posting short stories at no charge is something I do often. As I’ve explained on my blog where most of my short stories go, writing shorts helps me exercise my writing muscle, a.k.a. my brain. It also helps with taking a break from writing my novellas since writing a book can be taxing.

I don’t get any money from my blog. I don’t host ads for a reason because it really is a place where I can post freely and creatively. And I don’t sell my books here… yet.

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#MrandMrsJonesNovella: What To Expect From ‘Mr. & Mrs. Jones’

My next release, Mr. & Mrs. Jones, drops in 30 days which means it’s time to divulge a little information.

The writing process for this book was one of the most enjoyable processes I’ve ever experienced since I began my journey as an urban erotic romance writer. Life was still happening outside of my computer. I won’t lie and make it appear as if everything was easy.

But writing a love story starring two of my favorite characters… yeah, I had fun.

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#NewRelease: ‘Forbidden: An Anthology’ Is Now Available On Amazon!

Your new guilty pleasure is now LIVE on Amazon and FREE with Kindle Unlimited! Every time I release a book, I feel a rush of excitement and nerves. It’s like a cocktail of anxiety. This is one book I had to step out of my comfort zone to write and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

Check out the synopsis and click the link to read a sample and download your copy today. Happy Halloween ?.


12 characters. 5 short stories. 1 book

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The Making of ‘Forbidden: An Anthology’

In two weeks I’ll release my 12th self-published book on Amazon. Well, technically, it’s my 5th actual book since most of what I self-publish are short stories but I digress. The book is Forbidden, and it was one of my most challenging books I’ve worked on. The process was tedious but I’m ecstatic with what I’ve created. Months of research and creating character profiles has resulted in well-told stories that offers the one thing I search for in books, the perfect escape. So, since we’re inching closer to Halloween, the release day for my Forbidden Anthology, I’m ready to talk about the creative process behind it.

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