#TeaserTuesday: Last Comes Love

We are only a week away from the release of my 20th self-published story, Last Comes Love! This story as I’ve said so many times, is different from the other stories in my catalogue but so sweet. Here’s the final teaser before the book’s release…

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ByBrookelynMosley.Com Is Now Open!

A store that has been a year in the making, and the “making” wasn’t what took the longest, it was the learning curve and my need to know EVERYTHING even the smallest of details lol but I digress. It’s open and that is ALL that matters!

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The Making of Last Comes Love & What You Can Expect

I think this is one of my favorite posts to write on my blog! It’s an opportunity to be transparent and to bring you into the mind of a writer while discussing my process and inspiration behind the stories I create. I like to share anything that includes readers in my process. I also love sharing tips (if there are any) with fellow writers, tips that can make their writing lives easier. And I am so thrilled to talk about Last Comes Love. This story is one of my favorites and trust me I love all of my stories but this one touched my heart in a special way. The process for Last Comes Love was such an easy one. Something simple inspired me… that’s really it! But not really? Let’s talk about the process.

My Process & Toolkit

I usually research and outline for 2-3 months but with Last Comes Love, it only took me a month to complete the outline and research. The research was simpler because I’d already been researching the area of basketball for my 2020 Love is Cure book series so I had some knowledge about the sport before LCL. Floor trading and the New York Stock Exchange were also areas of knowledge I was familiar with because I used to work as a coordinator at a company that specialized in finance at the NYSE.

I used Scrivener and Aeon Timeline for most of my drafting and story mapping. These two software apps makes writing so easy and I recommend it to writers who ask me what I use to plan and write my stories. I’m not big on endorsing products so know if I say I love these two software apps, I REALLY LOVE THEM! Last, Pinterest boards were used to gather character and setting inspo.

I started writing Last Comes Love at the end of January of this year and finished in February. Once that was complete, it was time to brainstorm the cover.

The Cover

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#TeaserTuesday: Last Comes Love

October 4th you’ll meet two characters who will stay on the brain long after you’ve gotten to the end of their story. I adore writing friends-to-lovers stories. I love them, writing and reading them! I feel these types of stories are so genuine in nature with the right amount of passion and angst. I always do my best to make all of my characters unique in each book. They may have similarities in some areas but all-and-all they are themselves. Rylee and Lennox’s friendship is just as unique and I’m excited to introduce you to them.

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#SampleSunday, pt. 2: Last Comes Love

Here’s another sample from my upcoming book release, Last Comes Love. I have a “What to Expect” post coming soon that is hella detailed. For now, check out this sneak peek…

*This manuscript is still in the editing stage so text is subject to change.

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New To BrookelynMosley.com – BK’s Character Hotel!

I’ve added a new webpage to BrookelynMosley.com that should have been added a long time ago! Being a fan of hand drawings and art that resemble hand drawings, I sometimes try to incorporate art into my writing. Whenever I create characters, the way they look, the timbre in their voices, and even mannerisms unique to them amongst other things become mighty clear. Bringing the characters to life via art has been a dream come true.

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So… I’ve been world building for Last Comes Love and the Love is Cure & Forbidden series!

With my next few book releases, I’m diving deeper into the waters of my creativity. This summer, I spent a lot of time working on my craft, studying world building and fictional universes of all things. Honestly, I thought that world building was limited to fantasy genres. You know, Harry Potter type ish. But it turns out, world building can happen in any genre and I’ve fallen head over heels in love with it.

Truthfully, I’ve done world building but at a small scale before this summer. In a lot of my stories, I’d throw in a fictional setting to keep the story rolling during the drafting process and keep the setting while editing if it works well with the plot. Often I used real establishments to authenticate a story but now, I’ll do less of that and will construct a fictional world sort to say, starting with Last Comes Love.

Last Comes Love will be the first of many. It will be my first real contemporary romance novel that narrates the story through two different perspectives. Last Comes Love and the story after it will be the only stories (that I know of so far) told from a third person perspective since the format called for it. These books will act like a link for the books that proceed it. So far, most of the names mentioned in Last Comes Love will show up in my Love is Cure series along with stories in my Forbidden series. As I mentioned in a previous post, the Love is Cure series and Forbidden series will connect at some point. For instance, with Joi’s story from the Forbidden series, her friend will appear in the GREED story from my Love is Cure series. It will all make sense once complete.

Anyway, back to this world building…

While working on Last Comes Love, Forbidden, and Love is Cure, I created a few settings in detail that will appear in a few books moving forward including a fictional basketball team (two actually!) along with a magazine, a university, a restaurant, and bar & lounge. It’s been a lot of fun breathing life into these fictional settings and because I’m me, I went ahead and created logos and a mag cover for a few of them.

Let’s explore a few, shall we?


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Cover Reveal for Last Comes Love!

And here it is, the cover reveal for my next book release, Last Comes Love. This novel is one of my new favorites. It takes a common trope, friends-turned-lovers and adds a bit of a spin to it. I’m excited for you to meet Rylee and Lennox. Their friendship is truly one for the books. I’ll have the full prologue for you soon. Stay tuned for the book visuals and teasers which will be coming next! Keep scrolling for the synopsis…

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Psst… Check Out My New Logo!

This year so far has been a year of growth that has been immeasurable. I’ve dared myself to move more toward challenges instead of moving away from them, poured more of my energy into creative writing, and I’ve spent less time freelance copywriting which was originally a scary idea. I honestly never saw anything past publishing my first story, No Fraternizing, Pt. 1, and it only became a part 1 when I decided to continue to give this self-publishing thing a real try. And I’m glad I did because here I am today, invested and inspired to keep going.

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