Are You Attending Indie Love This Summer?

We are almost a month away from Indie Love – a book event scheduled to take place this summer in New Orleans. So many firsts for me with this. Indie Love will be my very first book event and I’ll be in NOLA for the very first time too. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I’m too ready to soak up all the good vibes and energy. I’m sure it’ll be a dope event.

To prepare, I’ve created a preorder page for attendees who are interested in reserving books before their visit. All preordered books will be with me, ready for pick up at my designated table.

Click the image or the link below to preorder paperback copies I plan to have with me at Indie Love.

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#Series: The Forbidden Series is Complete

I envisioned this very post when I made a commitment to continue every story in the Forbidden series. With the release of So This is Love last Friday, April 29thThe Forbidden series is now complete! I’ve continued each story from Forbidden: An Anthology and they all have something special about them. I love all these stories! Now, while Forbidden: An Anthology isn’t a romance, continued stories Mean to BeLoveless, and So This is Love are romances. Indecent Arrangement is the only trouble child in the series lol and is an incredible erotic suspense I think you’ll love and won’t be able to put down.

If you’ve yet to dive into this series, now is the time! Until July 27th, all books in the series are available in the KU library. After that, only the anthology will remain on KU.

Click the photo or link below to read!


#NewRelease: So This is Love is Available Now for Download

Today is the day! So This is Love, the final book in the Forbidden series and the last story continued from Forbidden: An Anthology, is available now for download. 

All the books in the Forbidden series are standalone and can be read in whatever order you choose. It isn’t necessary to read the three books (Indecent Arrangement, Meant to Be, and Loveless) before reading So This is Love because they aren’t connected. You can choose to read those books after So This is Love if So This is Love is the first book you are encountering in the series. If you are new to the series, however, I recommend you read Ayanna and Dallas’s short story, A Delectable No-No from Forbidden: An Anthology for context.

For now, So This is Love is available for digital download. Paperback copies will come soon.

See below for STIL’s synopsis and the link to download. And as always, enjoy!

P.S. please be sure to read the Message from the Author before you start reading and the Author’s Note once you are done reading. Important info is there. 

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#SampleSunday: So This is Love

It’s the final Sunday before release day, so I just had to post a sample from So This is Love. This is one of my favorite scenes from the book. The restraint! I love these two. This clipped scene is from a flashback. There are a few flashback moments in the story, most of which are set in the present day, so they blend with the story. So This is Love drops this week!

*So This is Love is still in the unpublished phase, so the text below is still subject to change.

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#STIL: What to Expect from So This is Love

So This is Love will be my 32nd self-published story and I literally cannot believe I just typed that! I have grown so much as a writer on my self-publishing journey. The thinking I had at the start of my author experience is not the same today… in a good way! This book and all the other books I’ve written this year have challenged and altered my perspective on what it means to be a writer. Once upon a time, I used to think to write, to be a writer, I needed a desk, and a laptop, and to set the scene before writing the scene. All of that is still nice to have, but I’m learning more than ever that technique is queen and the most important thing in all of this.

Because like ENVY and Ready or Not – two books I released earlier this year – I wrote So This is Love on my phone. 

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#STIL: The Book Trailer for So This is Love

Have I ever admitted that I really, really love making these? Creating a visual representation of a story that only existed in my head, then in words, and finally with visuals, is magical to me. It’s the actuality of thoughts becoming things and I sincerely love that. The release of So This is Love is only a week away and I still have so much to share about this story.

The Storyboard for So This is Love

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#Sale: BK’s Spring Paperback Sale Is Happening Now!

I’m hosting a spring paperback sale at my book and mug shop, right now! The sale runs from today, April 15th to Sunday, April 24th. Select paperbacks are marked down to $8 including my newest releases ENVY and Ready or Not

BK’s Spring Paperback Sale, April 15th – April 24th

This is a great time to grab series additions from the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series as well as available books in my Forbidden series. The final book, So This is Love, is scheduled for release in 2-weeks!

There is no code required. All paperbacks on sale have been marked down to the sale price. Shipping is free for orders of $30 or over with code FREESHIP. 

Go now! Paperbacks are available on a first come first serve basis!

This sale ends Sunday, April 24th at 11:59 pm EST.


#STIL: Who is Dallas Roque?

Dallas was a favorite of mine from Forbidden: An Anthology – the first book where he appears. The story wasn’t told from his perspective, so we didn’t really have time to dive into his thinking or how he felt about Ayanna’s decision to seduce him into paying back his brother for his brother’s trifling ways. So This is Love (STIL) will finally give him a voice, and it’s a voice to love. 

Image Credit: Pinterest

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#STIL: Who is Ayanna Dale?

When we met Ayanna Dale in Forbidden: An Anthology, she was a woman on a mission with a focus on dishing payback. Ayanna grew fed up with her relationship. In fact, Ayanna was tired of being tired. She’d been in a relationship with her boyfriend, Dominick, for a year, and the year had not been pretty. Despite that, Ayanna stuck through the rough times believing that things would eventually get better, despite being hurt and lied to since day one. 

Image Credit: Pinterest

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#STIL: So This is Love Storyboard

Can you believe So This is Love will be available in three weeks? I checked my calendar earlier today and almost swallowed my tongue! I always feel like I have so much time for these releases until I don’t lol. But I am so excited to hand deliver this baby for your reading pleasure. The next few posts on this blog will be all about So This is Love (STIL) and they will give you insight into what to expect from this read. This is the last book in a series, and I did not hold back at all. Dallas and Ayanna are my new faves. I’m pretty sure I say that about a lot of the couples I write about, but honestly, these two have nuzzled their way into a special place in my heart, and I sure hope they do the same for you.

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