You know what I love the most about this journey as an independent author? The lessons I learn along the way. I’ve gone through different phases as an author. Going from wanting to write but not being able to finish a single book. To writing the books but not knowing how to market them. To marketing them but not really knowing my audience. And on and on it continues to go with the realizations, adjustments, and challenges that blossom into lessons learned and the proper moves being made.
It sounds overwhelming but honestly, it’s something to be grateful for. I’m growing and with growing there are growing pains, but baby, I am not where I started and if I had to start all over again, I won’t ever start from the beginning. I’ll always start from experience.
And that brings us to today…

After hosting the biggest sale of my writing career, I realized that a lot of my books have begun to interconnect. Worlds collide to move stories forward and a lot of new-to-me-readers and even loyal readers who have read and already own my books aren’t aware how some of my books connect. I’ve gotten the question often, “what order should I read your books?” And I always say, “you can read them the way they appear in my catalog graphic.” But you can actually read my books based on how they interconnect with others.
Since that sounds confusing, even to me, I decided to create the start of story guides
As of now, not all of the stories in my catalog are connected with others. I usually don’t know off bat when I’m going to bring a character from a previously published story into a new read until I’m writing and see how they can naturally add or move a storyline forward. But there is a strong chance at some point all characters from all of my books will make appearances in future releases since they all subscribe to the idea of six degrees of separation.
I’ll continue to update this guide as stories connect with others. For now, this will give us all an idea of how the stories relate to others. I’ll be sure to include at the end of my new releases where characters mentioned can be found in their own stories. But if you’d like a detailed alphabetized list of characters and where they appear, you can find them in my Characters and Settings Glossary over at
Keep scrolling for the latest guides.