Inside the Character: Getting to Know Eryn Peters from Sloth

Eryn Peters has been a character I have truly looked forward to working with. From the moment I created the summary of her character for her appearance in Gluttony (the fifth book in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series, and her brother’s book), I knew she would be a character worth developing.

Though she was a side character in Gluttony, Eryn is the definition of main character energy. Let’s dive into the character known as Eryn Peters to get to know her intimately.


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Girl Code Chapter 8: “I don’t want to be your friend anymore, Mel”

On the heels of writing their anniversary short, I have to say, Melodee and Amir are still my favorites 🥰. I love them deeply. Their love is one that seems wrong on paper, but once you peel back the layers, you really can’t help but get all warm and cozy in what they are. Literally friends to lovers, in its purest form. And this chapter exuded that. 

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9 for $0.99 Anniversary Sale

Do you know what today is? It’s my authorversary! 🥰

I hope you heard that in the tune of Tony! Toni! Tone!’s “Anniversary” 😚🎶. 

Today marks my 9-year self-publishing journey’s birthday. She’s a big girl now! 

To celebrate, I’ve put the 9 stories that changed my writing life on sale for $0.99 for the next 24 hours. Get them while you can!

What a time to be alive and to celebrate another year as a self-published author.

Click the links below to download your copies and enjoy!