2022 In Review

Here we are again! Another year and another yearly review, thank God! To start, I’m giving thanks for seeing the end of another year. This year was a perpetual rollercoaster with wins and lessons. Like, literally, the wins and lessons were 50:50 split for me! And while 2022 had its share of lows, the highs were everything. Let’s start with the books, though!

I Released Four Books In 2022

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I Think I’m in my ‘Let’s stay together’ era in writing

What does that even mean, right? 

Let me explain.

With every year and the books published in that timeframe, I realize my stories follow a certain theme. One year, I centered most of my books on my characters letting love in after resisting it. Another year, almost all my books dealt with redemption and forgiveness after my main characters made questionable decisions in their pasts. 

Based on the theme for Home Before Midnight–my last release for 2022–and the books I will work on in 2023, they seem to all center on my characters nurturing the love they‘ve cultivated in their relationships after their happily ever after.

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BK’s Story Guides

You know what I love the most about this journey as an independent author? The lessons I learn along the way. I’ve gone through different phases as an author. Going from wanting to write but not being able to finish a single book. To writing the books but not knowing how to market them. To marketing them but not really knowing my audience. And on and on it continues to go with the realizations, adjustments, and challenges that blossom into lessons learned and the proper moves being made.

It sounds overwhelming but honestly, it’s something to be grateful for. I’m growing and with growing there are growing pains, but baby, I am not where I started and if I had to start all over again, I won’t ever start from the beginning. I’ll always start from experience.

And that brings us to today…

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Coming Later This Month…

I have one more book to release before the year ends. And appropriately, it’s a New Year’s Eve story!

Home Before Midnight is a follow up to Home Before Christmas – a short holiday story that follows a separated Jaleel and Eva Gordon as they fulfill their son’s one and only Christmas wish… for his separated parents to spend the holiday under the same roof.

Home Before Midnight brings us three years after that story, and things are better than ever, with a new challenge sprinkled in.

Home Before Midnight is due out later this month. Check out the cover and synopsis below…

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