Today is the day! So This is Love, the final book in the Forbidden series and the last story continued from Forbidden: An Anthology, is available now for download.
All the books in the Forbidden series are standalone and can be read in whatever order you choose. It isn’t necessary to read the three books (Indecent Arrangement, Meant to Be, and Loveless) before reading So This is Love because they aren’t connected. You can choose to read those books after So This is Love if So This is Love is the first book you are encountering in the series. If you are new to the series, however, I recommend you read Ayanna and Dallas’s short story, A Delectable No-No from Forbidden: An Anthology for context.
For now, So This is Love is available for digital download. Paperback copies will come soon.
See below for STIL’s synopsis and the link to download. And as always, enjoy!
P.S. please be sure to read the Message from the Author before you start reading and the Author’s Note once you are done reading. Important info is there.

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