The wait is almost over! The sixth book in the Love is Cure, Vol. 1 – Vices & Virtues series will be here tomorrow, 5/3 bringing us one step closer to a completed series.

In this chapter of the series, you’ll meet Lauryn James and Asher Truesdale – two people who are opposites all the way around but find a common ground when they meet unexpectedly. Neither one of them had love on their minds, but when they meet, love becomes the only thing they can think about. Once that happens, things unfold fast. Faster than either of them is prepared for. But what seems like a mistake ends up being something meant to be.
I love how different Asher and Lauryn are to each other. They’re from different worlds with completely different outlooks on life. Both of them are seeking relief from the lives they know all too well. And the refuge they find in each other will warm your heart the moment they lock eyes.
It’ll be a journey!
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