My newest story When Luke Met Juliette is available now for download. Click the link below the cover and synopsis to get yours. Enjoy!

What if you only got three chances to meet and fall in love with the love of your life but with your first two chances, you simply weren’t ready… and the third chance, your final one, is showing all the signs of being in jeopardy?
When Luke Lockett met Juliette Hart for the first time, it was like a moment written in the stars. Born and raised in two different parts of New York, Luke and Juliette attended rivaling universities that encouraged them to hate one another.
Something stronger than any rivalry could ever create kept drawing them to each other in the unlikeliest of ways. But that thing that kept attracting them to one another also played a role in keeping them apart.
Their collegiate affiliations rewarded Luke and Juliette for despising each other. Hate could never compete with love, though, because hate just doesn’t compare.
After a viral moment pulls Luke and Juliette together once again over a decade after graduating from their rivaling universities, they’ll have to decide if the third time is really a charm or if their unlikely encounters are nothing more than coincidences.