I can’t believe I’m months away from my 19th release. And what’s special about this one is that it’s my official transition into contemporary fiction.
I’ve written erotic romances from the very start and will continue to do so but my stories, at least this one and the next two releases has a more contemporary vibe.
Indecent Arrangement will also be my final book (for now) narrated (whether from first person or third) through a central point of view… meaning, only one character telling the story or the story being seen only from that character’s p.o.v.

Since January, I’ve been doing a lot of studying and practicing my craft along with workshop training offline, and through my evaluation of where I’d like to grow as a storyteller, at least the plans I have for future titles, multiple perspectives (at least 2, not sure if I can do more than that) best fits the ideas I have for telling my characters’ stories full circle… again, at least for the tales I have planned for the rest of 2019 and beyond.
Central point of view (first person of only one character) is necessary for Indecent Arrangement because it adds to the suspense element that is woven throughout this tale. Joelle does a great job of keeping you engaged by feeding you just enough info in each chapter (through her own narration or simply being the vessel in dialogue) while still keeping you hungry for more.
What elements make up Indecent Arrangement?
Suspense, erotica, a dash of a thriller, and super minute (and I mean tiny) romance. I wanted to try something different and spend a book tapping into my love of suspense. I’ve wanted to write a contemporary piece that was erotically suspenseful for the longest and when I decided to continue “Tasteful Taboo” from my Forbidden Anthology I finally found an avenue to do it. There’s a lot of showing and little telling so you must pay attention to spot the breadcrumbs. That’s because everything leading up to the conclusion will be laid out for your consumption but it will still surprise you!
What to expect from Indecent Arrangement?

Indecent Arrangement is the evolvement of a forbidden encounter, the anatomy of an illicit affair. It’s also the what happens when it continues and the cast of characters are unlike any others.
When we first met Joelle Victors, she was a seemingly happily married woman in a passionless marriage she’s in denial of. Her choices in her marriage are with the focus of being a person-pleaser to her husband and to live the romantic life she’s always dreamed of by any means necessary. She’s one of those “he completes me” types who takes that sentiment way too far and does a lot to keep her other half happy without reciprocation. But suddenly a handsome stranger catches her eye, a stranger she never thought she’d exchange words with much less sleep with. This is introduced in her story in the Forbidden Anthology.
“Tasteful Taboo” is like the appetizer and Indecent Arrangement the main course. What she only planned to last a night, mutually agreed upon by her husband Cameron and Jordan’s wife Lita, avalanches into something far more complex. The situation spirals as most affairs do and karma points are tallied, transferred, and transmuted through the circumstances that play out in the book.
Indecent Arrangement is the prototypical depiction from the Forbidden series of how life is a series of choices. This is the first continuation from my Forbidden anthology. Each story from the anthology (except Mello’s story since he’s already gotten a novel) will get its own novella. More details about that later.
I love the pace of IA! I’m bias, but I find that the story moves comfortably like a leisurely walk, unfolding jaw-dropping events seamlessly and in detail offering that fly-on-the-wall effect I consciously work to give readers.
Indecent Arrangement is sexy, thrilling, vivid, audacious af, and a bit of a cautionary tale. It ends on a happily ever after for now, sans the cliffhanger.
I enjoyed writing this story. It gave me the break and escape I needed from my usual projects and allowed me to explore a genre I’ve fallen in love with. My future releases will be contemporary romances where the love is warm and evident, and the intimacy main staples, threaded throughout the pages. Some suspense will peek in now and then because I simply can’t help myself. But first, there’s IA. Indecent Arrangement is not a romance. It’s more erotic than anything and a thrill ride in a book.
It’s also available for pre-order now! ??Click here?? to get it and have it delivered to your kindle automatically at midnight July 11th!
But first, get aquatinted with Joelle, Cameron, Jordan, and Lita in the story “Tasteful Taboo” from Forbidden: An Anthology. The other 4 stories in the anthology are interesting too. Click the cover below ?? to start reading. It’s FREE w/ Kindle Unlimited!