We’re getting closer to release day! I’ve gone through so many different phases of anticipation with this book. Falling in love, being frustrated, falling in love a second time, worrying over the little things, then falling in love with the story yet again. The editing process was a trip this time around because I’m dealing with an area in romance that’s a bit foreign to me. Love after loss isn’t a focus in romance I’ve ever done. I’ll be doing it again when I work on Rylee Daniels’s story (Last Comes Love). But this story, THIS story? Is truly one of the stories I really love with my whole heart. Here’s a teaser, clipped from one of my favorite scenes in Meant To Be…

I cannot wait for you to see how August and Genesis cement a love that has always been there 🥰. This is one of those reads that will fill you from the ground up and will really have you rooting for these two’s happily ever after. They so need it.
Meant To Be drops next Friday, April 24th. It’s available now for pre-order >>HERE!<<