So, one of the things I do to prepare my books for release, is listen to them. I often read the whole book outloud, but I like to hear it. I use Microsoft Word’s read aloud feature to give the book a bit of an audible type feel. I’ve been listening to Ebb & Flow these past few days and each time I press play, I fall more and more in love with this story. Naazir and Nubia’s story isn’t like many others, but that’s the case for a good few of my books. This scene here, the one this teaser was plucked from, is a dope one. It’s from a conversation that sets the tone for the book and gives insight on their relationship from Nubia’s point of view.

What I love about these characters is that they love so hard in this book. They’re aren’t afraid or filled with too much pride to be vulnerable with their thoughts and feelings so you the reader will feel a lot of the things they feel as they feel it. When they’re angry, you’re angry. And when they’re in love, well… you’ll see.
I cannot wait for you to read this book. It drops Friday, December 27th, but you can pre-oder now! Click Here to reserve your copy so it’s sent straight to your kindle the moment it goes live at midnight on the 27th!