Dallas was a favorite of mine from Forbidden: An Anthology – the first book where he appears. The story wasn’t told from his perspective, so we didn’t really have time to dive into his thinking or how he felt about Ayanna’s decision to seduce him into paying back his brother for his brother’s trifling ways. So This is Love (STIL) will finally give him a voice, and it’s a voice to love.

Dallas deserves every win he gets in this book and his struggles with getting Ayanna to see him more than just her friend will tug at your heartstrings. What I love about STIL is it isn’t a heavy read, but the scenes between Ayanna and Dallas are a bit gut wrenching. Dallas has a love for Ayanna that spans years. Whereas Ayanna has told herself that she and Dallas are just friends, he knew exactly what he wanted with Ayanna from the day they met their freshman years in college. And friendship was not one of things he wanted with her.
Dallas is the younger brother of Dominick Roque, Ayanna’s ex-boyfriend. Dallas plays his role as a younger brother, never checking his brother or getting in his way, even when Dominick began dating Dallas’s friend Ayanna and eventually broke her heart. His brother’s dishonesty is something Dallas must face in the story and when confronted about it, his decision to play his role adds another obstacle between himself and Ayanna.

Dallas is honest, supportive, determined, sincere, forward-thinking, modest when he doesn’t have to be, and the picture-perfect book bae. How transparent he is in every chapter will make you fall in love with him on the page.
Have you read his story in Forbidden: An Anthology? So This is Love continues the story “A Delectable No-No.” Get caught up!