The editing process is going well with the fourth book in the Love Is Cure series! I’m excited for you to meet the main characters Mykal and Desmond. I put Desmond in the same league as Amir Jones and Hassani Franklin, so if you liked those two book baes, you’re going to LOVE Desmond, I know I do. We’ll talk more about him in the coming weeks. Mykal is a character you’ll love and hate, naturally, because like all the other MCs in the series, you’re not supposed to like the sinners when their stories begin. It’s the growth that will attract you to them, and honestly, the growth, at least to me, is the best part.
As difficult as Mykal can be, I strongly believe that readers will find a little of themselves in her because she’s the kind of flawed that’s relatable.
The sneak peek below captures the moment Mykal and Desmond meet. This story is soooo layered, you’ll love to see it 🥰. ENVY takes the series in a direction that will bring all of the stories full circle. The last three books in this series brings the battle within the characters making them create their own hells.
Whew, chile.
For now, here’s a lighter scene from ENVY, the fourth installment in the LIC series. This is the very moment Mykal and Desmond meet… and… just read…
*Please Note: This story is still a manuscript and is currently in the editing phase of production. The text below may be subject to change.

I’m next in line, and smile at the barista. She knows what I’ll order because I’ve been ordering the same thing for the last three years. All I plan to do is greet her.
The moment I lift my foot to step forward, the scent of something more heavenly than coffee invades my space.
It’s cologne, a scent I’ve never smelled before and that smells expensive. The expensive you can’t just swing by the store to “pick up.” Appointments only, and they serve you champagne and chocolate truffles on arrival because they want you so comfortable, you’ll want to stay longer and spend more. Because not only the cologne is expensive, in fact, the cologne is the cheapest thing in the store. But none of that will matter if you’re too financially insecure to step a foot through the door even though the salespeople are beautiful with their welcoming smiles and—
“Excuse me,” the deep voice starts, putting a stop to my retail fantasy. “I apologize for doing this but…” He shifts his eyes off me and onto the cashier. “Can I get two large black coffees? I can add the milk and sweetener myself. I’m running late.”
I glance at him, then to the cashier, then back at him again.
He is gorgeous. Absolutely a work of fine art. Collector’s piece. All the facial makings of a black male soap opera icon to rival Shemar Moore and Kristoff St. John in their youths. Dark black curly hair faded on the sides; deep brown eyes so dark they appear black. Skin the shade of milk and coffee I like my cup of caffeine to resemble when I’m preparing it. He’s several inches taller and towers over all 5’3 of me. He is a walking and talking fine ass mannequin too. He wore a simple dress shirt and slacks, with his sleeves rolled up, of course, because how else would an Adonis dress?
His only flaw?
His ass skipped the line.
“‘Excuse me’ nothing,” I bark.
He turns to me, and we lock eyes.
“I’m sure everyone who stood in front of me was running late before they ordered.” I lower my shades down the bridge of my nose and look him up then down. “What makes you the damn exception?”
For a moment, he says nothing. Crushed ice and coffee are blending. Fresh ground coffee beans are brewing as silence settles between us.
“Two large black coffees,” the cashier says, breaking my focus.
When I point my eyes in her direction, she’s holding out two paper cups with lids on them in each hand, waiting for this guy to take them.
My jaw drops at the sight of her disloyalty.
She’s not even taking note of my shock. How can she? Her focus is entirely on him, and she practically has hearts in her eyes.
“Eboni!” I stage whisper. It’s like I said, I come here all the time and she’s usually the one who takes my order.
“Thank you so much,” the gentleman says to her. He accepts the cups from her hands and places them down on the counter below him. “I’ll pay for her order too,” he adds, using his thumb to gesture at me over his shoulder. “How much is everything?”
“You will not pay for my order, thank you,” I grit out. The audacity of him to be this fine and rude. “You can’t buy me. Like you can’t buy the class you clearly lack.”
He glances at me over his shoulder before turning to face me again. The gentleman dips his hand into his slacks’ back pocket, retrieves his slim leather wallet, slides out a gold Amex card, and hands the stainless-steel credit card to the cashier while still maintaining eye contact with me.
And then he does the one thing that forces me to take an extra breath to remain upright on my feet. He smiles, and the brother has a smile like Rome Flynn. Dare I say even better than Rome Flynn’s?
“I meant no disrespect,” he says, studying my expression. “I’m running late to an important meeting. I only needed two plain coffees.” His eyes abandon mine and are now coasting. Moving over my breasts, hips, and thighs in the most respectful but lustful way, and it is heating me up instead of pissing me off.
The fuck?!
“I’d be more than happy to buy you whatever you want.”
And he’s speaking my love language?
I’d orgasm if I wasn’t in a room full of people, I’m sure.
I shut my eyes tight to refocus. He’s disrupting my frame of thought.
I can’t even find the words to respond.
I can’t even think straight!
His face, his smile, what he’s just said – honestly, his entire being is throwing me off in a way I’m not used to.
His card is back in hand, and he slides it into his wallet, dropping the wallet back in his pocket while turning to pick up the cups of coffee. He says to me, “I really have to go. I apologize.”
And with that, he’s off. Swaggering toward the area of Groundhouse that has the various options of milk and sweeteners to choose from.
Even his walk is attractive.
Okay, who the hell is this guy? And what the hell did he just do to me?
End of Sneak Peek.
ENVY has a release date for January 2022.
Are you all caught up on the series?
Here is the order of the books in the series. The books that are already published have been linked.