I’ve written a lot of books. When I look back at how many stories I’ve outlined and written in my almost 9-years of being a self-published author, I’m blown away by the number of stories I’ve told. While I love every moment in a story told by me, there are specific moments that live rent-free in my head.
These are scenes that likely inspired the storyline of said story or they are scenes I just couldn’t wait to sit in front of my computer to get out of my head and onto a doc.
Whatever the case, I’ve created an online series highlighting my favorite scenes that I remember often and that continue to live rent-free in my head in a constant loop. And there are many so we’ll have a lot to look back on!

We’re starting off with my first completed series, The No Fraternizing series. Though this series was my first completed series, I did not complete this series all at one time. In fact, this series wasn’t supposed to be a series at all, but my readers loved the characters and wanted to know what more they could get from their stories and so, their stories continued!
What I love about the No Fraternizing series is that it captures my writing style when I first started my journey in self-publishing. I didn’t know what I was doing when I started. I just knew I wanted to write stories I would love reading. A work romance between two barbers was different for me, which made it so intriguing, and this scene is one of my favorites from this series.
It appears in the last part of this novella series, part three. And let’s just say they were not actually discussing business.
Enjoy! A link to download this series is below. Part 1 is a free download on Amazon.
Is this series for you though? Check out the series details below to see if the No Fraternizing series will match your reading preferences…