The third continuation from Forbidden: An Anthology will soon be here. Watching these characters grow in their own way in each story and delivering stories that are so different from the last has truly been a treat.
Anyway, here’s a sample from Loveless…
*Loveless is still unpublished so text is subject to change.

“Jeremiah, right?” I uttered low.
“Don’t play. You remember my name,” he said back.
I giggled, looking away shyly.
Did I just do that? What the hell has gotten into me?
That was so unlike me, but no man has ever made my heart drum in my chest like a number one song… until now.
“I want to take you out.”
“On like…” I stalled. “A date?”
“Not like a date. A date. I’m asking you out on a date.”
“But, why?”
The question left my mouth before I could stop it. Of course he’d want to take me out, right? I was beautiful, sexy. As respectful as he came off, he was still a man. But a date? What was his angle?
He cocked his head to the right and flashed me a sexy grin. With my eyes, I traced the trimmed grains of hairs in his beard framing his lips. Lips succulent at first glance. A tinted brownish pink. Pillow-like and smooth. In that moment, I wondered how smooth they’d feel pressed against mine.
“I want to get to know the woman I see before me.”
I scoffed playfully. “Well, what you see is what you get. Ain’t much else to this masterpiece.”
“I beg to differ.” He moved in even closer, so close I could feel the heat running off his body. “I prefer to think you’re like a Basquiat painting. Much like his masterpieces, you embody dichotomies in your character that I appreciate. To others, your surface may appear to be obvious, but when viewed from a distinct vantage point, I’m confident I’ll discover the real beauty hidden in your frame. That privilege, however, is only afforded to the man who takes his time and commits to really seeing you. And I am committed to the latter.”
I blinked in response, completely incapable of forming a sentence after that. Those eyes peered into me, piercing through the veil I spent years weaving with an iron heart. That wasn’t what took me aback about him. There I stood, my ass poking out behind me, jeans clad to my thighs. I zipped my coat high, but I always provided a little sneak peek at the goods by keeping the zipper lowered at the right height. But Jeremiah paid no attention to any of that. The entire time we stood there together, his eyes never and I mean never left mine. Even when I think back to New Year’s Eve, when he pulled me over. It seemed like he was kicking himself for allowing his eyes to wander below my neck. I could admit that I’d never encountered someone like him, and I’d never been on a date either. It was time for a few firsts.
“So what do you say?” he asked, rubbing his palms together. “Next Saturday. I’ll pick you up and we’ll do something fun?”
“Yeah, sure.” I smiled while relaxing my shoulders. “Where did you have in mind?”
Loveless will be available September 30th.
I can’t wait for this book!!!
🙌🏾🙌🏾 I can’t wait for you to read it!