I’ll admit – I was a little hesitant to publish a story on Kindle Vella. I’m still not completely sold on it, maybe because I’m still learning what it is, but I do like the idea of creating a serialized story with plans to do something more with it in the future.
While working on Gluttony, I’ve enjoyed working on side projects to get that satisfying feeling of finishing something in the middle of working on something long, and Kindle Vella is giving me that, so we’re on good terms right now 🙃.
Anyway, I had this storyline sitting in what I like to call my “swipe file” which is just a OneNote folder of random story ideas. It was a story that wasn’t yet completed, but I really liked the premise and the overall conflict in the tale.

With a story that has the potential to become something more and the opportunity to have an outlet to connect with more readers, I figured Kindle Vella may serve a purpose. We’ll see though 😆.
For now, you get a serialized story out of it titled Cali & Lee! From what I gather, the first three episodes are free and if you are a new Kindle Vella subscriber, they give you free tokens to purchase future episodes in any series you like. Hopefully Cali & Lee will be one of them.
The first three episodes of Cali & Lee are live NOW! Click the link below to read. Enjoy 🤎.