This is book #24, and I wouldn’t want it to be about any other characters besides these two. August & Genesis are all yours today to catch up with in Meant To Be, available now on Amazon and in the Kindle Unlimited library. Pick up right where we left off with these two at the end of their story in “Karma Coated” in Forbidden: An Anthology. There’s a lot to sort through, a few things to unpack, and the journey is touch and go in these pages, but the ride is so worth it. Click the link below to start reading!

“What are we doing, Gigi?”
“Surviving. We’re surviving, August.”
Life dealt Genesis Garner and August Hall two crushing blows in the same night – the death of their spouses and their spouses’ affair with each other.
Blindsided by the news and forced to deal with their new realities, August and Genesis find refuge in one another while uncovering a truth they never saw coming. A truth written in the stars and meant to be.