Indecent Arrangement, the first continuation from my Forbidden anthology is available now in paperback too! This story was a lot of fun to write and I’m so happy it can now sit on physical bookshelves.

The second story from the anthology, Genesis and August’s story, is complete and awaiting editing and the third, Joi’s story, I’m developing as I type this.
I’m excited for you to read how the stories from the anthology continue. All the continuations are unique just like the original short stories and will do an excellent job of changing your perspective on life as you know it. And chile, they are hot… like hot, hottt!
Indecent Arrangement and a couple of other paperbacks will be available in my new online book/mug store coming this fall. Keep an eye out for a post about that coming soon!
In the meantime, grab your copy of Indecent Arrangement >>HERE!<<