Get to Know The Characters Of Sloth: Eryn & Simeon

So, obviously, you’ve already met Eryn and Simeon in the stories they appeared in (Gluttony & So This is Love, respectively) before their story in Sloth. But there is so much more to learn about these two characters—so much that wasn’t revealed during their cameos as side characters.

In the character profiles below, we’re going to dive into some of that untold story.

These two are so different, but their brand of different works. Their opposites fit like puzzle pieces, making them a couple you can’t help but be drawn to. Coming from two very different parts of New York and vastly different upbringings, it might seem like these two would never have met under any other circumstance. However, Eryn and Simeon give new meaning to the phrase “opposites attract,” making them the perfect couple to conclude the Love is Cure series.

Meet Eryn Peters

When we first met Eryn, she was busting through her brother’s front door in search of him because he’d been dodging her phone calls. Everett described Eryn as a hurricane in human form, and he wasn’t lying.

Eryn is sassy to the bone. She is the younger sister, but age and order of birth really mean very little to her. She’s outspoken, bold, and committed to having a good time by any means necessary. If it’s all work and no play, you need to count baby sis out because she’s not showing up for any of that. She’s a fan of amusement parks, Ferris wheels specifically. She loves the excitement, and the sparkling allure of amusement parks the most. They give her a rush and make her feel alive. It helps her feel carefree like a kid, which if she could be a kid forever, she would be. 

Her theme song would be that old Toys R’ Us jingle because she really is a big kid. Even at her 38 years of age.

Responsibility, the reality of adulting, all of that is a turnoff to our girl. But she loves her career and uses her love of moving up in the company where she is a public relations manager, to fuel her need to get out of bed. Because she knows being idle won’t get her a promotion, she fights and wins against her naturally lazy nature for the sake of winning at her job. 

She loves her family. So very much. And she has a heart of gold that she wears on her sleeve. She loves love, but becomes a little jaded because of it. And instead of addressing her problems with it, or her problems in general, she would much rather escape them all and have them sort themselves out. Her response to stress and disappointment is to take a snooze. Get somebody else to do it because Eryn’s likely on DND when the topic is a problem that needs addressing. Especially when it comes to her love life. Because as hard as she tries, she can’t forget the one man that made her feel like she was on a never-ending amusement park ride. But she’ll never admit that. Not even to herself.

Meet Simeon King

We met Simeon as the smooth-talking persuasive sports agent who tracked Dallas down in Langston U’s school gym in So This is Love. Simeon is one of those can-do personalities that don’t see difficult situations as obstacles. They’re all opportunities. And all he has to do is figure out how to make them benefit him. Simeon’s so optimistic, he makes it a priority to find the good in everything. Even when it seems there isn’t any good to find. He’s an idealist at heart and believes life is always conspiring to give him everything he wants. Whenever he makes the mistake of letting doubt creep in, he nips it in the bud quickly.

Simeon is a dreamer, through and through. Everything he has, and that he has built, was once only a vision he dreamt. He’s the son of farmers and he was born, raised, and schooled on a farm in Upstate New York. Though he eventually moved off that farm to pursue a degree in the city at Langston U and eventually a life in the fast-paced sports management industry, he’s still a farm boy at heart and assists his family with running the family farm from 3000 miles away.

And he does it effortlessly, as only Simeon King knows how to do. 

Before a scandal grounds Simeon in the now, his mind was constantly in the clouds, focusing on working whatever new plan he had in the works to make his dreams of living a rich life come true. But occasionally, a special someone crosses his mind and as hard as he tries, he can’t shake the thought or the feeling it elicits whenever he thinks of his one true love… who he still believes is his one true love. 

Although you will get to meet these two in their story, Sloth, on September 19th, you must see how Eryn and Simeon met.

And here enters Sloth’s prequel…

This exclusive download is a shortie that takes us back to the summer of 2002, when Eryn first meets Simeon. Next month, I’m sending this to BK Insiders, my newsletter subbies. While we will pick up with these two in Sloth, their relationship’s origin proves just how destined they were from the very beginning. And it shows exactly why you should root for them in the final book of the Love is Cure series. If you aren’t subscribed yet and want to get this story too, click the button below to join the list!

Pre-Order Sloth!

Are you caught up? Each story in the Love is Cure series is a standalone, so you can start with any book you want.