2-years ago today I released my first anthology, Forbidden: An Anthology. It was an idea I had a few years prior, wanting to create an anthology of stories that followed a common theme. The goal was to create a book of short stories that were all different from the other but still the same, if that makes sense.

Before this book, I’d been toying with the idea to work on a seven deadly sins type series but had seen it done so many times, I left the idea alone. What resulted was this book, where I focused on only one sin, lust, and created stories centered on that.
What’s funny is I figured out what to do with that seven deadly sins idea, and now it’s my Love Is Cure Series!
All the stories in Forbidden: An Anthology will continue. So far, the first story, Tasteful Taboo, has continued as Indecent Arrangement and is available now on Amazon! The second story, Karma Coated, will continue next year. I completed August and Genesis’s continued story earlier this year and it should be available some time in 2020. And the third story in the anthology, Decadent Contradictions, has a continuation completed too. I typed the end on Joi’s story yesterday! That story, titled Loveless, will pair Joi up with a character from the No Fraternizing series, so we get to meet up with Lila and Manny and see what they’ve been up to.
The final story that will continue will be A Delectable No-No, Ayanna and Dallas’s story, I’ll be working on that some time next year. And as you know, Mello has his own novel, They Call Me Mello, that is also available now, so he won’t be getting any other books.
I loved writing this anthology so much, but I realized I loved writing the continued stories even more because how the journey continues with these characters is even more interesting. Can’t wait for you to read them all.
Have you read the anthology? Check out a preview of, Indecent Arrangement, the first continued story from the anthology below. I.A. also serves as my first erotic suspense! Be sure to read the first story from the anthology before you really dive in though…