#MakingMrAndMrsJones: Tips & Tools I’m Using To Get To ‘The End’

It’s that time again! I’ve started writing a new novella, and this is just not any ol’ novella. It’s a book where I’m writing about two of my favorite characters… Melodee and Amir. I fell in love with these two during the planning and writing process. Now, I love all my characters as I’ve said before but there’s something about the evolution of Amir and Melodee’s love that I admire the most. So, after two months of outlining, researching, blah, blah, blah… I’ve started writing it and I’m more than halfway through it.

When I first wrote this blog post, it was during the outlining phase of the story. Since then, I’m close to finish… yesss! The words have been flowing these past few days and I’ve been surprising myself at how far I’m getting with this work. And trust me, I’m not breezing through it. I’ve been taking my slow ass time. This is what’s baffling. So, I wanted to share what I’m doing hoping it can help another writer who may need tips on getting to their “end.”

Via social media like Facebook and Instagram, if you’re following me, you’ve noticed the hashtag I’ve got going, #MakingMrAndMrsJones. I wanted to try something new and to bring you guys along for the ride of creating this novella. A behind-the-scenes glimpse at what’s happening. This will also help keep me motivated and held accountable to finish this baby of mine.

For the readers, I think it will be fun for you to see a book come to life and evolve from nothing into something. And for my fellow writers, you’ll find the BTS (behind-the scenes) stuff resourceful… or at least that’s what I hope.

So, how am I doing it?

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#LoveHateRevengeSeries: ‘Love, Hate & Revenge, PT. 2’ Coming June 21st!

In just ONE MONTH, part two to my drama series, Love, Hate, & Revenge will be available for download! This series is truly one of a kind, and as always I’ve made sure not to hold back. Be prepared for a sexy and jaw dropping read, promise!

Check out the synopsis below and save the date, June 21st. It’s gonna be a very hot summer!

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5 things to expect from a story when you see the name Brookelyn Mosley on its cover

As I begin work on a new novella, I’m thinking about my “brand.” You hear that a lot as an author (or anyone really) offering a product or service.

As an author, I’m a small business owner. I’m in the business of words. My products are my stories and novellas. Your reviews are my testimonials. And my business location is in your mind.

So, when I think of my “brand” and what I want people to think of when they hear or read my name, 5 things come to mind:

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#NewRelease: Girl Code Available Now On Amazon! And FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

My new release is here! I’m so excited to announce that my new novella, Girl Code, is available now on Amazon, FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

Brainstorming this story was a lot of fun  and it was even more enjoyable penning the story. My favorite kind of stories to read and write about center around friends turned lovers. There’s just something about witnessing the evolution of a friendship transitioning from platonic to romantic *swoon*.

And that’s what you’ll get from my newest novella, Girl Code.

Check out the synopsis…

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#NoFraternizingSeries: Guess What’s Coming In 2017?

The Tables Will Turn, And A Shocking Secret Will Be Revealed


As the cover suggests, this one is all about Lila and the choices she’ll have to make starting in Chapter 1.

With each novella in this series, my goal has been to bring you, the reader, closer to the main character of the story, Lila Moore. This is also evident by the covers, with Lila going from being out of sight to moving closer to the front of the cover for part two.

So I started the series with narration at a distance from a third person’s view, then I gave her the wheel to narrate the story herself in part two. Now in part three, not only is she narrating, she’s bringing you into her mind, sharing her unfiltered internal dialogue as she goes through each life altering experience. Like all my characters, Lila has flaws, but like a boss chick she doesn’t hide it, especially in this final novella.

You’re going to have to read it to see what I mean!

Stay tuned for more news!

#NaNoWriMo2016: The Prep, What I’m Working On, And The Tools I’m Using

Hey loves,

I’m taking part in this year’s Nanowrimo! It’s a month-long event in November where writers are challenged to complete a 50,000 word novel in 30-days. Yes, girls and boys… 30 days. Now for me, I write A LOT, but I usually write novellas. Though I’ll be aiming for 50K, my real goal is just to complete the body of work.


The Prep

To make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible, I’ve planned out EVERYTHING. I wish I was that person who could write by the seat of her pants (off the dome, making it up as I go) but the way my focus is set up… yeah, no. I have an A-Type personality when it comes to my fiction writing. I don’t understand why this personality doesn’t trickle down to other parts of my life, but hey… I get in where I fit in. Because of this need to always have everything in order, I’ve already planned out my novel (or novella, only time will tell) from start to finish. I’ve researched as much as I could, have the links needed for reference, know how the story will end, and I have the cover ready. I’ll post the cover by mid-November.

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