#TeaserTuesday: GREED

You’ve been hearing about Bryant Greene since Last Comes Love and now you get to meet him. If you read the second book in the Love Is Cure Series, LUST, you got a sneak peek at chapter one from GREED.

(Please note: GREED is the final book in the series to get a sneak peek in a previously published book.)

Anyway, things continue to get interesting, especially with the addition of a familiar character from Loveless, Zoe Stewart.

GREED is scheduled to drop next month! Here’s a teaser…

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Loveless Is Available Now For Download

Loveless, the third continued story from my Forbidden: Anthology is available now for download. See what Joi has been up to, formally meet Detective Jeremiah Rhames, and catch up with the barbers at Kuts Kings. Most of all, get ready for a read you’ll remember long after you reach the end.

As always, thank you for reading and please leave a review when you reach the end.

P.S. Be sure to read the author’s note 😉.

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What To Expect: Loveless

Loveless will be my 26th self-published story and the third official continued story from Forbidden: An Anthology and I’m excited for you to see what Joi Friday has been up to a year after her short story ended.

Loveless is a novella consisting of mild urban fiction elements and heavy on the black romance. It’s a love story, but not your typical love story, which I honestly favor writing. But with Loveless, even I can admit the story and plot are different for me. It’s not a typical love story because of how the heroine meets and falls for the hero. She does so while being tied up in a twisted situation. In Loveless, she’s exposed to two different worlds regarding relationships with men.

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#SampleSunday: Loveless

The third continuation from Forbidden: An Anthology will soon be here. Watching these characters grow in their own way in each story and delivering stories that are so different from the last has truly been a treat.

Anyway, here’s a sample from Loveless

*Loveless is still unpublished so text is subject to change.

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#LovelessNovella: Who Is Jeremiah Rhames?

Jeremiah Rhames. Does his name sound familiar? If you read my No Fraternizing series, it will. Jeremiah was the detective who interviewed Lila at the precinct when Romello was dragged in on charges in part 2 of the series. Jeremiah also appeared in part 3 of No Fraternizing, with a more significant role as the source to reveal Romello and Lila’s connected past. Just as he changed the course of the stories in part 2 and part 3, Jeremiah’s role in Loveless is just as significant.

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#LovelessNovella: Who Is Joi Friday?

Joi Friday. She’s probably one of my most disliked characters I’ve written about to date. She’s an undeniable bad guy with a backstory that helps make sense of the person she becomes when readers first meet her in Forbidden: An Anthology.

She hints at it at the start of her story “Decadent Contradictions.” But because the story was a short story, we really didn’t have the time to get too deep into it. Loveless allows us to peel back Joi’s layers and to sort through the complexities that molds her character.

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#TeaserTuesday: Loveless

As I type this… well, not as I literally type this 😏. But before I was typing this post, I was working on the final edits for Loveless. I like to put my manuscripts through the metaphorical fine-tooth comb, making sure to bring forth all the necessary details to create the mind movie the story deserves. Loveless is a mind movie. It takes its time to organize a story, so you don’t miss the breadth and purpose of each chapter. Joi will seem like she could walk off the page once you read her story. You probably know of a Joi and this story will help you understand her too. Since it’s Tuesday and I’m so excited for the release of the third continuation from my Forbidden series, here’s a teaser.

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#CoverReveal: Loveless, Coming Fall 2020

Joi Friday. If you read Forbidden: An Anthology, then you’re familiar with her name and her short story in the anthology – “Decadent Contradictions.” In her original short story, Joi was the bad guy… well, maybe not at the very beginning. But a lot of readers decided within seconds of reading her short story that she wasn’t the most liked character in the anthology. Her story in Loveless will change your perspective on Joi, someone you probably deemed as being morally corrupt. Loveless will also reintroduce you to a few familiar names from my other series, No Fraternizing.

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LUST Is Available Now For Download

Happy release day to me! This is book #25 and I am excited that it’s this one. A book from a series I worked my ass off on with stories that are well worth the read. So, please, don’t let me hold you up. Click the link below to start reading book two, LUST, in the Love Is Cure, Vo1. 1- Vices & Virtues Series. Enjoy.

P.S. remember to leave a review when you’re done.

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