#7DaysofBookBaes is a blog event spotlighting my favorite book baes from my books in anticipation of Valentine’s Day. Today is Day 6 of #7DaysofBookBaes and today we’re spotlighting Zane Armstrong.

Zane’s love is persevering.
Zane is a Brookelynites favorite and mine, too. From the moment he appears on the page, you know who he’s all about – his wife, Desiree Armstrong.
Through hell and high waters, he’s determined to help her remember him after an accident wipes her monody clean of him.
What they have is so real, he’s steadfast in his journey to get them back to them again.

Meet Zane in Twice in Love.
To date, Twice in Love is the only story Zane appears in. Hopefully that’ll change soon!
Have you read Twice in Love and have questions? I’m answering them all in my text community. Text ZANE to +1 (347) 697-4374 or click here to join my text community and send me your questions!