#NaNoWriMo2016: The Prep, What I’m Working On, And The Tools I’m Using

Hey loves,

I’m taking part in this year’s Nanowrimo! It’s a month-long event in November where writers are challenged to complete a 50,000 word novel in 30-days. Yes, girls and boys… 30 days. Now for me, I write A LOT, but I usually write novellas. Though I’ll be aiming for 50K, my real goal is just to complete the body of work.


The Prep

To make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible, I’ve planned out EVERYTHING. I wish I was that person who could write by the seat of her pants (off the dome, making it up as I go) but the way my focus is set up… yeah, no. I have an A-Type personality when it comes to my fiction writing. I don’t understand why this personality doesn’t trickle down to other parts of my life, but hey… I get in where I fit in. Because of this need to always have everything in order, I’ve already planned out my novel (or novella, only time will tell) from start to finish. I’ve researched as much as I could, have the links needed for reference, know how the story will end, and I have the cover ready. I’ll post the cover by mid-November.

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